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systemic psychotherapist


Works with individuals (adults and adolescents), couples, and families. Offers psychotherapy for a variety of issues including depression, anxiety, anger, traumatic experiences, low self-esteem, problems in relationships, and parenting difficulties. Has experience of working cross-culturally and with diversity. Conducts therapy in English as a native Speaker and is also fluent in Polish and Spanish, with intermediate Russian.
Qualifications include a Master’s Degree in Systemic Psychotherapy from the Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust, with two years prior study at the Institute of Family Therapy in London. Has attended various specialized courses run by the Anna Freud Centre related to family functioning and individual development, as well as twice participating in week-long psychoanalytic Group Relations Conferences run by Tavistock Group Relations
Completed two year-long clinical placements forChild and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in London (Camden/Newham) within the English National Health Service (NHS).

Prior to that, he completed a Bachelors degree in Modern & Medieval Languages (Spanish/Russian) at the University of Cambridge and a Masters degree in European Culture, Literature and Thought at Queen Mary, University of London.
Worked in Social Services for local authorities in London (Hackney/Hammersmith & Fulham) from 2010-2017, supporting people from different social, cultural and ethnic groups in a variety of statutory and non-statutory contexts. Has worked with schools and provided consultation to therapeutic staff and social work teams. Has taught systemic practice and cross-cultural
psychotherapy in a variety of contexts, in recent years as an Affiliate Lecturer at the University of Warsaw – Warsaw International School of Psychology, and at SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities.
Works under the regular supervision of a certified supervisor of the Polish Psychiatric Society, as well as participating in Clinical Work Groups and Couple Psychotherapy Seminars with internationally recognised professionals. Combines Systemic and Psychoanalytic psychotherapeutic approaches in his clinical work.


2022 - ‘Diagnoza Pary Międzykulturowej’ [transl. ‘Diagnosing Cross-Cultural Couples’], S. Baker; B.
Zalewski; Hanna Pinkowska-Zielińska, Diagnoza w Psychoterapii Par, Tom II: Specyficzne
Zjawiska w Diagnostyce Par, red. nauk. Bartosz Zalewski & Hanna Pinkowska-Zielińska,
Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN (pp323-361).

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